„LibreOffice“ – tai galingas raštinės programų paketas. Paprasta ir aiški naudotojo sąsaja, darbo priemonių gausa išlaisvins kūrybiškumą ir padidins produktyvumą.
„LibreOffice“, apimantis kelias programas, yra galingiausias laisvasis raštinės programų paketas.
„LibreOffice“ yra vienas draugiškiausių ir sparčiausiai augančių projektų tarp laisvųjų programų.
LibreOffice is a privacy-oriented office suite that runs on your own computer and doesn’t include AI features out-of-the-box. But we know that many users are interested in combining AI tools with the suite, so we talked to John Balis who is working on a (fully optional!) LibreOffice extension called localwriter. Here’s what he had to […]
Zdeněk Crhonek (aka “raal”) from the Czech LibreOffice community writes: The Czech team has finished its translation of the LibreOffice Getting Started guide 24.8. As usual it was a team effort, with translations by Petr Kuběj, Zdeněk Crhonek and Radomír Strnad; localized pictures from Roman Toman; and technical support from Miloš Šrámek. Thanks to all […]
Up early, sync with Dave, Anuj, lunch with Julia, worked away at contractuals. Onto mail catch-up, and slides.
LibreOffice 25.2 will be released as final at the beginning of February, 2025 ( Check the Release Plan ) being LibreOffice 25.2 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) the forth and last pre-release since the development of version 25.2 started in mid Juny, 2024. Since the previous release, LibreOffice 25.2 RC1, 104 commits have been submitted to the code repository and
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