„LibreOffice“ – tai galingas raštinės programų paketas. Paprasta ir aiški naudotojo sąsaja, darbo priemonių gausa išlaisvins kūrybiškumą ir padidins produktyvumą.
„LibreOffice“, apimantis kelias programas, yra galingiausias laisvasis raštinės programų paketas.
„LibreOffice“ yra vienas draugiškiausių ir sparčiausiai augančių projektų tarp laisvųjų programų.
One week ago, we announced LibreOffice 25.2, our brand new major release. It’s packed with new features, and has many improvements to compatibility and performance too. So, what has happened in the week since then? Let’s check out some stats… 647,961 downloads These are just stats for our official downloads page, of course – many […]
The new major release provides many user interface and accessibility improvements, plus the usual interoperability features Berlin, 6 February 2025 – LibreOffice 25.2, the new major release of the free, volunteer-supported office suite for Windows (Intel, AMD and ARM), macOS (Apple Silicon and Intel) and Linux is available on our download page. LibreOffice is the […]
One week ago, we announced LibreOffice 25.2, our brand new major release. It’s packed with new features, and has many improvements to compatibility and performance too. So, what has happened in the week since then? Let’s check out some stats… 647,961 downloads These are just stats for our official downloads page, of course – many […]
Cartoon drawing update with Dave, getting nicely ahead. Partner call. Published the next strip: celebrating working together Pleased to see my FOSDEM talk videos released: Collabora Online - richer collaboration,
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